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CSR procurement

From the people around the world

Since the founding of the founding company, the blinds have been sincerely hoping for their children's healthy and rich growth, and pursued the high quality of thinking about children. And this thought has been spinning with all the craftsmen related to the manufacturing and the production of the material and material of the manufacturing and the material.
In recent years, stakeholders have been interested in corporate social responsibility (CSR) for supply chains from procurement to production. We believe that the mixers are required to work with suppliers on the issues of human rights, working environment, health and sanitation and environmental issues in supply chain to take into account the overall trend of the society.
Based on the three policies: CSR procurement policy, supplier human rights policy, and supplier action standards, we will build and promote a responsible supply chain with suppliers and production brokerage.

* you can see the CSR procurement information in each language by pressing the language switching button.

Efforts related to respect for human rights

Implementation of human rights dew Dili Jens

The mixers are committed to implementing dew Dili Jens to identify and deal with the risk of modern slavery in the supply chain, according to the "principles of business and human rights guidelines" approved by the UN Human Rights Council in 2011.
In order to fulfill these commitments, we aim at more effective activities to respect foreign workers' rights and workers' rights in July Under the cooperation of the global alliance for sustainable supply chain ("ASSC") and the rightsld Limited (UK Human Rights Analysis Organization), the NGOs working on the promotion of sustainable supply chains We introduced dew Dili Jens about 100 supply chains related to the production of mixers.

Signature and publication of statements on "British modern slave law 2015"

The mixi issued a statement on modern slavery (hereinafter referred to as "this statement") in order to conform to the British modern slave law 2015 in September 2019. This statement is directed to the mixers and all group companies (hereinafter referred to as the "blinfield group"), which disclose measures to comply with relevant laws and to prevent business activities and modern slavery (including human trafficking) in the supply chain.

This statement, including the findings from the implementation of human rights def Dili Jens and suggestions for future efforts, can be found from the following links.

A study on the correspondence to the foreign skill training system in the supply chain

In recent years, the voice of concern about the poor working environment surrounding foreign workers, including technical trainees, has spread over the media and NGOs.
Based on this situation, we conducted a questionnaire survey on 92 foreign companies in Japan to carry out product manufacturing in Japan in I tried to grasp the actual condition of the scene. On the various risks clarified through the fact finding, we share the information with the factory to be manufactured, and we are working on the problem solving.
In July 2020, with the cooperation of ASSC, we adopted a multilingual complaint handling mechanism (hotline) for workers' rescue using mail and smart phone applications The approach to the problem solution is carried out through the mechanism to raise the voice of the worker on the supply chain which bears the manufacturing of our product.
Moreover, JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) led the cooperation of the private workers in Japan in-As a member of the group, the company also participates in the "Mirai" as a member, and also participates in the "foreign workers initiative" sponsored by ASSC. It exchanges with the related stakeholders and carries out various information about the proper operation of the foreign skill training system. We will propose a working environment improvement and a multicultural society.
In addition, the Japanese textile industry pointed out that the problem of human rights from overseas is big in the flow of the guideline of "business and human rights" internationally. In order to aim at the improvement of the environment which facilitates the business with the responsibility of social responsibility, it participates as the committee to "Committee of responsible business action" of "textile industry edition" which started in September, 2021. We will work on recommendations and activities to establish a comprehensive guideline covering the entire textile industry from river to river.